Twists, Turns, and Sucker Punches

I bet you’re wondering what the heck is going to be in this post with a title like that!

Today, Joy Keeney, who I met during a blogflash event about three years ago, has published her review of Heart Search: Betrayal on her blog. She’s been following the whole trilogy! The title comes from her review so to find out more, click here.

Also, my dear friend, Alison DeLuca, who is a fellow author at Myrddin Publishing, has a slightly racy excerpt on her blog. Click here to find out what’s going on.

With only a couple of days left of the blog tour and giveaway, the time is fast running out for you to enter. So here’s the link again for those of you who have left it until the last minute!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Great Balls of Fire

I have to say, yesterday didn’t quite go as planned. One of the two scheduled posts went live, but the other one didn’t. I kept waiting and waiting, but by the time midnight rolled around, I was too shattered to check anymore and went to bed.

So today I’m combining two days in one post. What has she got in store for us I hear you ask. Lots including a competition, is my reply.

First there is an excerpt posted by the lovely Joy Keeney. Someone discovers they have a new gift and to say it’s explosive is an understatement. Click here to see what it is and who’s got it.

Secondly, we have an interview with my friend and fellow author at Myrddin Publishing, Rachel Tsoumbakos. She’s just released a new book called Unremembered Things, which I’m reading at the moment, so you’ll be seeing my review on this soon. It was fun to go ‘down under’ and visit Rachel again. Click here to read more.

Thirdly, my friend and the person who made virtually all the fantastically gorgeous items for my giveaway, Sarah-Jane Bird (Made by Birdies), and the amazing trailer for the book, posts her review of Heart Search: Betrayal. Click here to see if she loved it or hated it.

Here’s a reminder of that amazing trailer:

There might be a fourth post to add to the list, but I’m waiting for the time difference to catch up to find out. That’s the only problem when you have people in different time zones, however, I wouldn’t have it any other way, especially with those people who have been with me ever since Heart Search: Lost was first launched. I count everyone of those people my friends and am eternally grateful for all the help and support they’ve given me along the way.

Now for the competition. Just to see if you’ve been paying attention – who was the first person to give Heart Search: Betrayal a 5-star review during the blog tour. All the correct entrants names will be put into a randomizer and one person will receive a free eBook of Heart Search: Betrayal. Deadline for entries is midday GMT on 18th Feb.

Now don’t forget to enter the Giveaway if you haven’t done so already. Here’s the link in case you missed it before.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Remember, you could win things like this:


Heart Search: Found – Cover Reveal and More . . .

When you see a cover reveal you know the novel isn’t far behind, and I’m excited to say Heart Search: Found is literally just a few days away. I also have some wonderful friends helping me with the launch and each one of them has something a little different on their blogs, so when you’ve seen everything here, I highly recommend you pop over to see what Donna L Sadd, Joy Keeney, Sherry Fundin, Deborah Jay and Maria V A Johnson, have in store for you.

In the meantime, I’ve got a real treat for my awesome followers, but you’ll have to scroll down to find all the goodies 😉

First though, my wonderful cover designer, Nicole Antonia Carro, has worked her magic again and I’m very proud to unveil . . .

Heart Search Found

Isn’t it AWESOME??

And now for the blurb:

One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms . . .

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.

Intrigued yet?

Well, earlier in this post I did promise you a very special treat. A world exclusive of the prologue of Heart Search: Found – enjoy!

“Jakki sat at the table, a worried expression clouding her features. Her eyes flickered over the tarot cards spread before her, analysing every minute detail, desperately searching for another explanation, a different meaning to the one she saw.

Concern for Remy and the twins had driven her to seek answers from the cards. She had been receiving fragmented glimpses of events: a man with piercing green eyes, the children’s hands covered in a red substance, objects floating around a room, and Remy distraught over something. Jakki’s spirit guides weren’t showing her enough to allow her to make sense of it, so she had reached out through the tarot cards.

With a shaking hand, Jakki turned one more card and gasped. Colour drained from her skin, leaving it a pasty white. There was no mistaking the interpretation this time. The portent was crystal clear.

Jakki sobbed as the card fluttered from her fingers, landing face up on the table, staring back as if mocking her.


I really hope you liked the prologue and it’s left you wanting more. Keep checking back – the book trailer is coming soon and I’ll have more news on the availability of Heart Search, book two: Found. Now go and see what the other blogs have in store for you!